Why is DiscoverThurston.com important?

Why is DiscoverThurston.com important? It is a directory. A LOCALLY PRODUCED online directory.

Do you remember phone books?  I think I get that waste of trees every year on my doorstep.  I take the business refrigerator magnet off of the book, cut it up to the size of two business cards then glue them onto two of my business cards and hand them out while networking.  Hey, I believe in recycling!  Today’s searchers use Google and trusted online business directories to find the companies they want to work, visit, shop from or dine at with - which is why adding your organization to these lists is often crucial for being noticed.
Online Directories - Three Key Benefits

1. Increase Your Discoverability

93 million people use Yelp in America.  Why?  It's a national online directory.  Online directories are one of the first places today’s buyers look when they need to find a supplier/partner/provider. By maximizing your visibility in these directories, you maximize your chances to be contacted by prospective buyers.  That is why DiscoverThurston.com is vitally important, there are no fully populated local directories and we will import all businesses in Thurston with two levels.  The enhanced profile and the basic profile.  Ultimately, you want the enhanced profile and all IN TEAM members get it for FREE.  Everyone else will get a basic profile.  You can still find all of the Thai restaurants or auto mechanics however IN TEAM members will be placed at the top with more pictures and even a video.  

2. Improve Your SEO

Everyone talks about SEO and how important that it is for your website.  DiscoverThurston.com provides backlinks to your site.  Our biggest SEO benefit is providing a new listing in Google for every listing in our directory. Whenever someone searches for your company name online, your directory listings can appear in the results and help point them back to your site.  It gives you additional exposure and you need all that you can get.

3. Strengthen Your Reputation

The internet has had an immeasurable impact on the discoverability of emerging businesses. With all the different options available, today’s buyers are extra cautious about which businesses they can trust online. This is where an online directory such as DiscoverThurston.com can be extremely helpful, as they’re often seen as a reliable source for high-quality, trustworthy businesses. Even more importantly, those with enhanced profiles are trusted members of the business networking group, the IN TEAM.  Having your company in this directory shows that you aren't a shell company hiding behind a Facebook page, but rather a company that’s serious about what you do. 


You want to be listed on as many relevant directories as possible (or as your budget allows), and your listing on DiscoverThurston.com and the IN TEAM's sites will help.  Just remember, the more opportunities you give yourself to be found, the more likely prospects are to find you. 

For questions, contact us at [email protected].